Starting a new Purdue family tattoo tradition

The official Purdue University seal is what inspired Michael Davis and his son Isaak Davis to get as tattoos for a Purdue graduation family tradition. (Photo provided by Michael Davis)
Name: Michael Davis and Isaak Davis
Graduation year: 1992 for dad and 2019 for son
Major/area of study: Law and society (criminology) for dad; hospitality and tourism management for son
Current career: Michael is a retired police officer, currently working in the electric utility field, and Isaak is also working in the electric utility field.
Meet a father and son with matching Purdue tattoos.
1. Tell us about your Purdue tattoos.
They’re the Purdue University seal. We have the matching tattoo on our left calves.
2. When did you get your Purdue-related tattoo?
Michael: 1996. Isaak: 2019.
3. Why a Purdue tattoo?
Michael: I got my Purdue tattoo when I finally established myself in my career and felt that Purdue had really helped shape my life.
When my son got his tattoo, he wanted to start it as a family tradition.
4. What is the meaning/significance of your Purdue tattoo?
Michael: For our family, it’s all about tradition. Over time, the other Purdue logos have changed in small ways: Purdue Pete, Block P or even the Purdue train. The Purdue University seal hasn’t and has stayed true to its time, even after all these years.
My son was born in 1998, and when he finally graduated from Purdue in 2019, he got the exact same tattoo that I have. He really surprised me by getting it, and he even has it in the same spot as me!
I felt proud when he told me he wanted to keep up this new tradition, and we both share a loyalty and pride in our school.