Read articles, watch videos and listen to “This Is Purdue” to learn the latest on Boilermakers taking small steps and giant leaps around the world.
Kassandra Agee Chandler
We support Black Engineers
Clara Bell
Erin Cook
Lamar Lundy
Dolores Cooper Shockley
Linda Jo Mitchell
I Am a Boilermaker
Purdue University: The persistent pursuit of the next giant leap together
video | Experience
Weird College Folklore: Purdue ‘Clapping’ Circle
Reasons to Believe in The Next Giant Leap
article | Research
Purdue scientist reflects on her passion for studying Mars’ geology, landscape
Briony Horgan grew up in Portland, Oregon, where, enjoying the mountains and volcanoes that surrounded the region, she developed a love of geology. A long-standing interest in space made Horgan realize she wasn’t confined to study rocks simply on Earth.
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